Refuge is a suspense-thriller about a family struggling to survive in the wake of a great catastrophic event. As food and supplies dwindle and the threat of marauders becomes more apparent, the family...
1947. On a beach in Normandy, Madeleine, a waitress and young mother, meets Fran?ois, a wealthy, and cultivated student. They hit it off immediately, as though it were fate. But as their destinies int...
故事发生在1967年的夏天,在突尼斯的旅游胜地海滩,三位年仅17岁的女孩——琪琪(萨拉·帕连特 Sarah Pariente 饰)、梅里亚姆(Sonia Manka? 饰)和蒂娜(阿瓦·科昂-乔纳森 Ava Cohen-Jonathan 饰),她们来自不同的国家,拥有着不同的信仰。 琪琪是西西里人,信奉天主教;梅里亚姆是突尼斯和阿拉伯的混血儿,而蒂娜则是法国犹太人。这个夏天,她们都怀着对初次性...